Tim Nimtz is a Master Coppersmith, located in the Ogden, Utah, area with decades of experience providing custom kitchen hoods and other decorative copper, brass and zinc products. He’s served customers all over the US, including Utah, Arizona, Colorado, California, and Nevada. Tim specializes in creating custom kitchen hoods that reflect the style and personality of his customers.
Tim’s company is TNT Copper and is a local family owned business located in Sunset, Utah, just west of Ogden, Utah. Tim has built hundreds of copper custom kitchen hoods and other decorative products for residential and commercial clients throughout Utah and many other areas of the United States. His attention to detail has earned him the trust of individuals and celebrities alike. Tim also specializes in repairing damaged copper work or replacing missing pieces on older homes or buildings.
Custom copper kitchen hood designs are featured on the website that showcases past projects completed by TNT Copper, Tim’s company. There are several styles available with different finishes that make it easy to match your existing decor or design needs. Each design offers multiple finish choices so you can create your own unique look without breaking the bank!
If you live in the Ogden, Utah, area and are desiring to set your design apart from the rest with a beautiful custom kitchen hood, then give Tim a call at TNT Copper at 801-941-1368 and schedule your personal presentation by Tim. Tim provides private showings at his showroom located at 2117 N. Main, Sunset, UT 84015. You can also view many of the pieces he has produced on his website at www.tntcopper.com. See you there.